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Thorium Tartrate

If a solution of tartaric acid is added to a thorium salt solution a precipitate is formed which dissolves in excess of the acid. On diluting this solution a tartrate is reprecipitated which, according to Cleve, has the composition Th3(OH)4(C4H4O6)4.5H2O. By mixing in solution equivalent quantities of thorium nitrate and tartaric acid a tartrate of the composition Th3O2(C4H4O6)4.20H2O is precipitated; and this may be represented as the thorium salt of thorioditartaric acid, thus: [ThO(C4H4O6)2]2Th.20H2O. Various thoriotartrates have been prepared. Thus by saturating a boiling solution of potassium hydrogen tartrate with thorium hydroxide Cleve obtained K9Th(C4H4O6)3, and Rosenheim, Samter, and Davidsohn have prepared ThO(C4H4O6K)2.8H2O, ThO(C4H4O6Na)2.8H2O, and ThO(C4H4O6NH4)2.3H2O, as well as the more basic salts

K2(ThO)C4H4O6.4H2O and (NH4)2(ThO)C4H4O6.4H2O.

The constitution of these salts is probably analogous to that of tartar emetic, so that the hydroxylic hydrogen atoms of tartaric acid are replaced by ThO.

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